Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blog 7

The ASSURE model, to me, is like a code of ethics for teachers. It asks who the learner is and what their style of learning is? And it asks what you want the student(s) to know. The second S asks the question what is appropriate, what materials are needed, and methods of instruction. The U represents how you use the materials and media. The R stands for the requirements are there for the students. The last letter puts emphasis on the purpose of the lesson and how could it be better.

Some things that I have aquired since my last posting will be the skill of researching. Being able to research and get the right material and appropriate material for students is very essential. You would never want to be teaching a lesson on the Holocaust and have a website that has pictures that are vulgar and inappropriate; so the ability to research and find the right material for students is very important.

I am really enjoying this class and the people in it. You guys are wonderful, and our wonderful TA Jesse are the best!!!

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