Monday, December 10, 2007

I like the web quest tool because it can make the teacher's job very easy because instead of always having to come up with lesson plans on your own, you could go on the internet and find them. Web quest also has the grade or subject one is teaching and the curriculum for the grade or subject. I think that is neat because it saves you a lot of work, and is a get out of jail free card if you are not very creative.

I plan to learn how to make web pages and web sites so that my students and their families can do their homework and check it online. This would benefit both the parents and the students because I could have a help button that shows the kids how to do the problem. This would be very helpful because not all parents know how to do the work that their children are doing.

In order to achieve my educational technology goals I am going to keep the textbook we bought for this class and make sure to read through it reguarly and to use it whenever I need help. I can also use the websites in the book to help me with stuff I do not understand.
Informational theft is one thing that stood out to me in this chapter. When you are using a public computer it is not safe to store personal information on it. If you are the only private user, then it might be safe, but it can result in information loss. System failures also result in a loss of information. They occur because of electrical power powers.

New skills acquired since my last posting have been the better understanding of blog spot. This will be very helpful in the future because if I want to use this with my students, I will be very familiar with this and it would help the students now.

I am so ready for the semester to end!!!! It's been great, but I'm really looking forward to seeing it end!!
In reviewing other students blog the thing that interest me the most was the length of the other students blogs. It made me think, "WOW, they really have a lot to say", it made me want to go back and review my blogs.

The next thing I want to learn relating to technology is how to make music or CD's. I saw an episode of The Cosby Show where Olivia was at school and they were learning their times tables and her teacher was using the drums and music to teach them. The children seemed to really be enjoying this even though this was a television show the children was very into it.

I might take some kind of musical class here to pursue this nusical teaching thing. It seems very interesting and fun!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blog 2

The website I chose to visit was It had everything any school teacher would want to know about teaching children of all ages. A webquest is where children can learn from the internet and do their lesson from there. It gave advice about how to incorporate technology in the classroom and how it is helpful.
I've learned how to create Microsft Word documents with more than one column. I am happy that I learned this because it makes it a lot more fun to write a newsletter. I know when I was in school and my teacher would give me a stack of papers stapled together calling it a newsletter or announcement packet; my mother would never get it. I would either lose it in my backpack or throw it away before going home. I like the idea of columns because it saves paper and the information looks more organized. I will use this later in my educational career when making newsletters or posters using Microsoft Word to make it easier for students.
Assistive technology is any equipment, machine, accomodation, modification that can improve ones understanding and ability to communicate, complete a task, or solve a problem, using the computer. Because many children suffer from different disabilities, some computers are made to to meet the needs of these children and mix up the classroom environment by adding technology.

Blog 3

an example of a storage media device would be a floppy disk. These disk are mostly used on public computers so they do not actually take up space on the computer's hard drive but the disk that was inserted. Floppy disk are rather old and have now become boring, most people use portable USB cords, that is their own hardrive and save work on that.

I have a Treo 750 with At&t, formerly Cingular Wireless; and when I bought it, it came with a USB cable , used to synchronize the phone with the computer. I use my cord to get pictures off the internet and put them on my phone. You can also store the contacts in your adress book to your computer.

Microsoft Powerpoint is one my newly acquired skills. I am use to watching them and seeing my teachers make them but creating them was never really my specialty. But after the in class demonstration and thee assignment, I have become very familiar with it and I love it!

Blog 4

There are many things that the internet offers that can help students succeed in a class. For example, you can put the work on the internet, just in case the student misses class, they can go get the work from the website. Chat rooms are also a good idea. You could create a chat room that is only available to students in a certain class, where they can discuss homework and other classroom ideas.

I have this problem with typing without looking. I do not "trust the keys" as my teacher would say, but as I type more and more by doing this blog and the work for this class, I've become at typing while looking at the screen. I am so happy because I know in the future this will help when I become a teacher, because if the students are taking a test and I am at my desk, and there is talking or cheating, I will be able to type and make sure the students are okay.

Every so often, I change my myspace profile, and since taking this class, my page has been getting more and more interesting. There are certain things I've learned in this class that help me when doing my page. For example, the web page assignment, I made my background. There are also websites that help you by giving you the codes. I used that website and made my webpage through Notepad.

Blog 5

Evaluating educational technology is very important. I agree with this because there are some games that are made and are deemed as educational, but in all reality are not educational and do not teach children anything. It is also important to integrate technology into the classroom. A good example could be talking about colleges and having the kids research their school of choice. Or another way, you could do a project that requires them to pick out software that is and is not appropriate for the classroom.

I never knew what a wiki was until doing it in this class and I'm glad I found it, because I always used that as my number one website. But when I found out that other people add to it, it made me research the subject at hand even more. Wikis will be helpful in the future because I can make a page about Michael Jordan and his accomplishments that could possibly have an erroe. My students could go through and correcct this error. Or there could be something important that I could have left out and one of my students could add to it!

I have been thinking now that I maybe want to be a psychologist. I'm not sure. Maybe a child psychologist. I don't know. I've added psychology as my minor to go with Elementary Education, but I'm not sure if I should. I know I want to work with children, I want to be in a situation where I am helping them. I don't know what I should do! I know for a FACT that I want to be a teacher though! HELP ME!!!

Blog 6

Digital media is technologies that allow users to create new forms of interaction, expression, communication, and entertainment in a digital format. Education software is any software that attempts to educate, motivate, or teach. Math Blaster was one that was used back when I was younger. It helped you learn Math but in a fun way.

Using the SAM program has really helped me to better understand Microsoft Powerpoint, Word, and Excel. This will be very helpful in the future because I will be able to better understand technology. This will help students also because things would be less boring and more fun for them.

I think it would have been fun creating a game for this class. I remember playing Where in the Worls is Carmen Sandiego to learn about the United States and the rest of the world. Some games are very fun but also very educational. I really enjoyed that game because it actually taught me a lot.

Blog 7

The ASSURE model, to me, is like a code of ethics for teachers. It asks who the learner is and what their style of learning is? And it asks what you want the student(s) to know. The second S asks the question what is appropriate, what materials are needed, and methods of instruction. The U represents how you use the materials and media. The R stands for the requirements are there for the students. The last letter puts emphasis on the purpose of the lesson and how could it be better.

Some things that I have aquired since my last posting will be the skill of researching. Being able to research and get the right material and appropriate material for students is very essential. You would never want to be teaching a lesson on the Holocaust and have a website that has pictures that are vulgar and inappropriate; so the ability to research and find the right material for students is very important.

I am really enjoying this class and the people in it. You guys are wonderful, and our wonderful TA Jesse are the best!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I think that the ARCS motivation model works wih children. I agree that children are not motivated enough and just do what they can to get by and don't put their all into most things. I used to think: when am I ever going to use this in life, and therefore didn't put as forth much effort because I felt that I would never need it. There was also times when I felt that I just could not do certain problems because of the way they looked. The only thing that motivated me and encouraged me were my goals. I knew I wanted to achieve them, so I knew what I had to do.

I have acquired news skills such as working the justifying tool sonce posting my last blog. Before, I thought that it was just another alignment tool that was there for no specific purpose. I learned how to add pictures to a document and put them in a certain spot. These skills will help me when I am a teacher because I can create documents that are set up more children friendly.

My mom always says to me, "I don't know why you want to become a teacher, all the mess you put your teachers through." This is very funny to me because when I was younger, I was the most horrible student a teacher could've ever tried to teach. I did it all; the smart mouth, talking while the teacher was talking, yelling, causing problems. You name it, I've done it. I've given some of my teachers the hardest time ever. My second grade teacher quit teaching after we got our first report cards. I knew it was because of me. I was a demon child. One day, I was chewing and smacking on my gum, blowing bubbles, and just interrupting his lesson and he told me to spit the gum out. I got up, walked very slow to the trash can making so much noise, and he yelled, "Jaleesa just spit the gum out." So I spit the gum on the floor and walked back to my seat and did my work! I was horrible.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jaleesa's First Blog

I have basic knowledge and understanding when it comes to technology. I know how to use Microsoft Word to type a paper; that's about it. In high school I took a Business System and Technology class that dealt with computers and different programs. Although this class was very helpful, I do not remember half of the things we did. In elementary school, I used the computer to play games like Math Blaster and other educational games.

I hope to become familiar with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft XP. I also hope to learn how to use this blog web site efficiently. I want to learn how to type letters in the correct format. I want to be able to create Power Point presentations and use Microsoft Word.

I learned that creating a blog was not as easy at it seemed. It was a little complicated and confusing. After creating this blog, I found it to be easier. I learned that I am not a visual learner. I have to see things to learn it and I did not catch on as fast as I thought I would. I had to keep seeing other people do it and had to ask Kia for help.